The Polisario front has kidnapped an 18 year old Sahrawi girl, Filleh mint Chahid mint Laaroussi,in Tindouf camos an incident which has sparked wave of protest and a media campaign that quickly caught the attention of the Algerian security services.
The latter have taken up this case and are currently working to get the girl to return to the Tindouf camps to her biological family, which she refuses, in order to quell the disorder caused by the threats made by her relatives against the families of the Sahrawi responsible for her kidnapping.
The young woman was adopted by a Spanish family at the age of five and has lived in Spain ever since.
In July 2023, Filleh participated in the “Vacations in Peace” program, which allows young Sahrawis living in Spain to visit members of their biological family in the Tindouf camps.

It was then that things took a dramatic turn. Filleh’s biological parents, on the orders of the Polisario, destroyed her travel documents in an attempt to prevent her from returning to her adoptive family in Spain.
She was thus held against her will in the Tindouf camp, Very worried, her Spanish adoptive family tried to help her escape from the camps so that she could return to Spain.
Cases of young Sahrawi girls adopted by Spanish families and then kidnapped or held captive by the Polisario after visiting their respective families in the Tindouf camps have unfortunately become a common practice.
In fact, violations of the fundamental rights of young women have been known in the past: this was the case for Nadjiba Mohamed Belkacem, Elkouria Badbad Hafed, Maloma Morales de Matos, and Darya Embarek Selma.