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The number of Kenyans using online platforms to access media programmes has more than doubled to 53pc according to a new report by the Communications Authority of Kenya.

The Kenya Media Landscape Report between July and September 2023 shows that from 2015, online media consumption has increased from 27pc in 2014 to 57pc in what is attributed to a surge in Internet use in the country.

Channel 1

According to the report, the rise in online media access has led to a decline in newspaper and radio consumption while television gains.

Between 2014 and 2023, weekly radio listenership declined from a high of 92pc of the population to 77pc as that of newspaper readership plunged to a paltry 7pc from 21pc.

Television viewership however registered a massive gain from 46pc to 74pc.

“The shift in preferences suggest a dynamic transformation in the way Kenyans engage with media, with television and online platforms playing an increasingly prominent role in shaping the country’s media consumption habits,” said CA.

Radio listenership is dominant in Lake, Coast , Lower Eastern, North Western, Rift Valley, South Nyanza and Western regions.

On the other hand, TV viewership on dominant in Central l, Nairobi and Upper Eastern regions.

It is only in North Eastern region of the country where many Kenyans at 64pc use the internet to access media programmes compared to 54pc for TV, 53pc for radio and 17pc for newspaper.

“Radio and television viewership surpasses other communication mediums in all regions except North Eastern region where Internet usage takes the lead. Meanwhile, newspaper reaches peak readership in Nairobi and Western regions,” states the report.

Men lead in radio, TV, Internet and newspaper media consumption with 80pc, 77pc, 62 and 23pc respectively compared to women’s 74pc, 70pc, 52pc and 12pc.






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