Coast ODM Leaders Rally Behind Joho For 2027 President

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Coast Elected leaders allied to the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) have endorsed former Mombasa Governor Hassan Ali Joho for president in 2027.

The leaders said it was time Coast had their own in the race to statehouse so as to become the sixth president of the Republic of Kenya.

Speaking during food distribution exercise for Muslims during the Holy Month of Ramadhan at Nidhamia hall in Malindi attended by over 10 legislators including Senators, Women Reps and MPs for Kilifi, Mombasa and Kwale the leaders openly told Joho who was present to soldier on his agenda as he had the full backing of the leaders.

Those present included host and vocal Malindi MP Amina Mnyazi, Kilifi Senator Stwart Madzayo, Kwale Senator Boy Juma Boy, Mombasa Senator Mohamed Faki,Kilifi Woman Rep Getrude Mbeyu , Mombasa Woman Rep Zamzam Mohamed MPs Mishi Mboko, Kisauni MP Rashid Benzimba, Magarini MP Harrison Kombe, Mombasa Woman Rep Zamzam Mohamed,Mvita MP Machele Mohamed

Also present were a host of MCA s from Mombasa Kilifi and Kwale together with ODM Youth Fikirini Jacobs, among others.

Joho while accepting the endorsement since his declaration of interest to become president others have begun telling him to go slow and talk with others.

He said it’s time for him to become the party leader and will not step back until he becomes president.

Kilifi Senator Stewart Madzayo on his part urged Coast resident to desist from being divided on political grounds and remain united to make sure Joho becomes president.

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He said once Raila goes to the AUC then he should be succeeded by Mombasa Governor Hassan Ali Joho.

“Of all those who want to succeed Raila no one matches Joho, no one, so all of us as brothers lets unite and ensure we support Joho,” he said.

The Vocal Malindi Member of Parliament Amina Mnyazi openly told the constituents to allow her to accompany joho in his countrywide campaigns for his presidency as she was determined to see him win the top seat.

A section of Coast ODM leadership endorsing Joho.

She said it’s time for Coastal leaders to come together and show full support for Joho’s presidential bid as he was the only leader to take the region to another level.

“We want all of you and even the Media to ensure that Joho is all over the social media mainstream media like NTV Citizen, all of the other mainstream media,” he said.

Mombasa Woman Rep Zamzam Mohamed and Likoni MP Mishi Mboko said the Whole Coast region was supporting Joho and asked all leaders to support his bid.

Kilifi Woman Rep Getrude Mbeyu said the former Mombasa Governor is over qualified as education was fine, and is also wealthy.

“It’s only Joho who can defeat President Ruto . He does not fear anything and is the only one who took the former President Uhuru Kenyatta head on in Mombasa previously,” she said.

Shela Ward MCA Twahir Abdulkharim urged all ODM leaders to support Joho as he was the only one who had the muscles to defeat President Ruto.

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Magarini MP Harrison Kombe said immediately ODM Party leader Raila Odinga becomes the AUC chairman Joho should take the mantle.

“If the country is one lets shun from tribalism the ODM party leader is Joho,” he said.

Fikirini Jacobs ODM Youth from Kilifi County said its time for Coast to produce the president and urged all Coastal leaders to support him for his bid as he has fought hard to be where he is today.

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