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Siaya Senator Oburu Odinga

Leaders have called for speedy investigations into the death of the late Chief of the Kenya Defence Forces (CDF) General Francis Ogolla.

General Ogolla died in a helicopter crash in Elgeyo Marakwet on Thursday afternoon alongside nine others.

Channel 1

Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka urged the government to make public the outcome of investigations so as to put the matter to rest.

NARC Kenya leader Martha Karua called for speedy investigations noting that, there are security concerns which deserve an answer for the nation.

“When an accident occurs, it’s a security issue. There are security concerns which deserve an answer for the nation. We look forward to a speedy investigation.” Karua said.

Siaya Governor James Orengo said the government must assure Kenyans that an open investigation will be conducted.

Siaya Senator Oburu Odinga noted that there have been assassinations of leaders from the Nyanza region adding that they want investigations done so as to unearth the truth.

“We’ve had assassinations of leaders from this region, so when such things happen, we’re a bit suspicious because we want to know the truth. I want to ask the General’s son not to be impatient with us.” Said Senator Oburu.

Adding that: “Young man, allow us to ask for full investigations into the cause of the chopper accident, we have reasons to demand for the truth. In these region we’ve had many accidents that have been resolved like Tom Mboya, Robert Ouko and others.”

Also read https://www.kbc.co.ke/general-francis-omondi-ogolla-is-dead/


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