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Members of the National Assembly are set to debate a special motion for the removal of Mithika Linturi as the Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development during a special sitting to be held on the morning of Thursday, 2nd of April 2024.

This follows the approval of a notice of motion moved by Jack Wamboka MP Bumula tabled before the House.

Channel 1

Wamboka alleges that the CS submitted false information to the Parliamentary committee investigating the controversial matter that saw farmers in the country receive soil conditioner disguised as fertilizer.

“Honourable Members, I find that the proposed Motion by the Member for Bumula, meets the requirements of Article 152(6) of the Constitution and Standing Order 66 forming the threshold required for a Member to move a motion for the dismissal of a Cabinet Secretary,” read Speaker Wetang’ula.

He went on to add, “In view of the foregoing, I find that the proposed special Motion meets the applicable procedural requirements for it to be admitted to the next stage. In this regard, I note that Standing Order 47(4A), provides that a Member shall give Notice of Motion in the House within three sitting days following approval by the Speaker”.


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