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African Non State Actors have condemned the decision of locating the Santiago Network on Loss and Damage in Geneva over Nairobi and want it recalled.

The activists have warned that the multi-billion dollar fund will fail to meet its abjectives if the decision is not reversed saying this decision overlooks the purpose of the network and exacerbates the concentration of climate governance institutions in the North.

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The loss and damage fund which is a key plank in channeling financial and technical support to the developing countries to help them prevent, reduce and address the impacts of the climate crisis was one of the major outcomes of the Paris agreement in 2015.

Last year during the Conference of Parties meeting in Dubai, there was serious lobbying from the developing nations to have the fund domiciled in Nairobi due to its proximity to major environment bodies like the United Nations Environment Programme –UNEP.

However, last week the Fund’s advisory Board picked Geneva in Switzerland, rattling the global South.

According to the at Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) the decision will have far-reaching negative implication on Africa’s effort to deal with climate change.

An assessment process that was done early this year (2024) saw Nairobi emerging the preferred choice for the fund scoring 4.10, followed by Addis Ababa, Geneva and Bonn respectively.

The Executive Director PACJA Dr. Mithika Mwenda termed the decision as unjust and  disappointing. “It’s a betrayal of logic and fairness. Nairobi, a prime candidate according to UNOPS-UNDRR’s meticulous analysis, was unjustly sidelined in favor of Geneva, highlighting the disproportionate influence wielded by the global north in climate governance.” Said Dr. Mwenda.

Adding that: “This move underscores a systemic bias that sidelines the voices and needs of developing nations, who should be at the forefront of climate action.”

The Pan African Climate Justice Alliance, stressed that the developing countries deserve a seat at the table and the opportunity to lead in addressing the challenges of climate change.

The mandate of the Santiago network is to catalyze the technical assistance of relevant
organizations, bodies, networks and experts for the implementation of relevant approaches for averting, minimize and addressing Loss and Damage at the local, national and regional level, in developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change.


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Obrien Kimani

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